Pay it Forward


Hey friends!

I am currently serving as an eMentor to a high school student through a collaboration between my company and a local school district. I was asked to share a bit of my story with students and mentors during a meet and greet. I thought it’d also be a great way to share more of myself and who I am with you.

Last month I celebrated 15 amazing years with my company! I am a digital retail project manager and I ensure the content on our website is helpful and inspirational.

I am so excited to be a part of this Mentor program! When our Women's Business Council posted this volunteer opportunity I rushed right over to one of the council leader’s desk and I said “hey, I have to be a part of this, what can I do to be a part of this”? I was thrilled when I was selected to participate and here's why:

I was raised in a single-parent household, my mom and dad divorced when I was just a baby. My father, who was in the military remarried shortly after and he wasn't a big part of our lives growing up.

My mom did the best she could raising three kids alone on a low income.

One of the things she instilled in all of us was the importance of Education: getting a good education was key to reaching your goals and dreams of making a better life for yourself.

I took that to heart and got pretty good grades in school and had plans to go college when I graduated from high school.

Though my mom was my biggest supporter, way back then (I won’t date myself) teenagers in my community just didn’t have access to adults with professional careers who’d actually gone to college and could share what those experiences were like. I personally didn’t know anyone with a college degree.

Well, I got pregnant during my senior year of high school and instead of going to college when I graduated I went straight to work earning a living to take care of my baby daughter.

Years later, I returned to school, earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and began the process of building a better life for my family.

Fortunately, my story has a happy ending…a great family including a husband and two beautiful daughters, a wonderful career where I’ve made lifelong friends. More importantly, I get the opportunity to participate in events like this where hopefully I can positively impact another young single mom like me and help her accomplish her goals and dreams of a better life for her family.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story.

As you prepare for the upcoming holidays and considering what you are thankful for; I hope this story inspires you to “pay it forward”. And then share that experience here as a Guest Storyteller. Just click the Button below to Share your Story.

Sharina McCantsComment