People were designed to be whole, authentic, accepted, valued and to experience joy, love and peace in our souls. Wholeness is NOT always being free from pain, disappointment, sadness; but it is living, loving from a place of authentic joy and peace even in the midst of pain and suffering. God created us with minds that automatically seek wholeness, to be complete; I call it Hope. And it can be seen at the core of every one of us: an innate belief that there is or can be “joy in store”.

Our Six Week Joy ReStored Workshop & Retreat will help women unlock that joy by learning and effectively using tools and resources that will restore Wholeness to our souls defined by the following five key characteristics of living from a place of wholeness:

  • Belonging to a family

  • Recovering from trauma

  • Contributing to a community

  • Maturity evolution

  • Receiving and giving life

To learn more about our Workshops, complete form below.