“The wise woman builds her house with her own hands…She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 14:1; 31:25

God created us with minds that automatically seek wholeness, to be complete; I call it Hope. And it can be seen at the core of every one of us: an innate belief that there is or can be “joy in store”.

Alabaster Jar Moments Joy ReStored Coaching Services is designed to help women identify and reach personal goals that will restore a sense of value, peace and joy.

We offer the below Coaching Session Delivery Options:

  • In-Person Coaching Sessions

  • Video Chat Coaching Sessions'

  • Phone Coaching Sessions

  • Email Coaching Sessions

  • Combination of the Above Session Options

We also offer complimentary 30 minute Coaching Assessments; to learn more, complete and submit form.

To learn more or request a complimentary 30 minute coaching assessment, complete form below.