Hey, beautiful lady.

I have a question for you - a serious but potentially life changing question.

Here goes…are you whole?
Didn’t expect that did you? Let's go deeper.

Have you ever experienced the vicious rollercoaster cycle of losing and gaining control, peace, joy and happiness as if the days of your life ebb and flow as easily as the wind blows?

One day you’re “walking on sunshine” boldly toward a goal and the next you are thrown a curve ball out of nowhere that puts you in a tailspin.

Just as you regain a sense of normalcy, another unexpected event happens, and you're right back where you started.

I wandered through this very for years. Until one day, like magic, I woke up from the dream (or nightmare) and said “NO MORE!”

I wish it were as simple as "NO MORE!” It had taken me ten years to get into this state of disarray, so why did I expect it to only take ten minutes to climb out?

In reality it was more of a slow churn than a quick turn. I understand why it took so long to develop, and now I am sharing some helpful principles for turning it all around. The journey back to Wholeness.



Hello, I'm Sharina McCants...

a Board Certified Life Coach, specializing in Relationship Dynamics, helping women successfully navigate the changing seasons of life.

My passion and goal is to help myself and others overcome roadblocks to joy and wholeness.

This is a safe place for women to read and share stories in hopes of bringing each other out of the tunnel of darkness and into marvelous light.

I will share a few nuggets and resources along the way.

In addition to sharing my stories (and yours) through my blog, I offer: