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Mother's Day Letter

Hey AJM friends! I’ve been MIA for a few months but with good reason…

So Mother’s Day 2019 may just go down in history as my greatest Mother’s Day ever!!! 

To learn why, take a look at this video:

I was extremely excited and a little hard to understand so I will give a bit of commentary.

My daughter and son-in-law surprised me with a box of used Nike sneakers.  I was like “what in the world?!? until I realized that inside each sneaker was a positive pregnancy test stick.  You might see one in my hand as I hopped around. 

Yes I am going to be a grandma!!!

I have to say, I’ve been on cloud nine ever since.  Unfortunately, shortly after this announcement, my daughter was diagnosed with hyperemesis and has had a difficult first trimester.  We’ve come together as a family to love & support her through this illness. Things seem to be improving little by little as she’s transitioned to 2nd trimester.  I ask you all to join me in prayer and well wishes that she see full recovery. 

A couple of weeks ago, I overheard my daughter and son-in-law discussing how they intend to raise their new little bundle of joy.  Both spoke with such passion and conviction around their own unique experiences and upbringings:  my daughter being America and my son, Caribbean.

As I listened in, I began to think about my own experiences as a child growing up which certainly shaped how I raised my daughter.  I even recognized a bit of my child-rearing instruction in her point of view. 

So I decided to write them the following letter which I now would like to share with my AJM friends today.

 Hey kids.  👧🏽 👦🏽 💜.

I just want to encourage you both and let you know that raising kids is challenging work but the most rewarding thing you'll ever do.  You are going to encounter a love you have never known, and you never thought you'd ever love someone the way you love this little human God blessed you to be stewards of. 

I realize you both came from different backgrounds, cultures, experiences which will no doubt shape how you each interact with and pour into your child.  And that's a good thing to bring your own unique perspectives to help shape your child's identity. 

There are also foundational principles you two must align on so your child will learn to respect and honor you. 

This, I am happy you are discussing now before the 👶🏽 arrives.  Ultimately the foundation of your collective faith and trust in God as the head of your family and lives will be the single most powerful parenting tool you will have to nurture and protect your child from the evil one. 

I am proud of you both and am positive you will be amazing parents! I am so happy to support your journey.

Thank you for allowing me to share this exciting moment with you and I pray the counsel to my kids offers a bit of joy and inspiration to others. 

As always, if you have story of encouragement you’d like to share with others, consider posting it here.  Just click below to submit your Alabaster Jar Moment.

Best wishes,

“G.G.”  (my future grandma title)