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Seven Times the Charm

The number seven is an interesting number.  Some folks call it “lucky” and believe it can bring a lot of gain, treasure, winnings a person. 

It is also considered a number of completion and some use biblical examples to show this. 

One interesting illustration of the significance of the number is found in Mark 16:9, “Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.”

God had to deliver the demons from her seven times before it stuck!  Now I am not religious fanatic, I’m just sharing one woman’s story.  One that is not unlike mine or perhaps yours.

The bottom line is this woman had a lot of “Stuff!”  and all this stuff was wreaking havoc on her mind, her body, her emotions her decision-making and her life. 

Any woman here know what I’m talking about #raiseyourhand.

And first let me clarify whether Jesus is able to deliver and cleanse immediately, I believe He is. So if the problem is not in the healer what is it?  The problem is with the woman in this story, with me and possibly with you. 

And the “stuff” which was compacted over a long period time…layers and layers of stuff.

Some of this stuff may have been the result of poor choices she made and have had to deal with the consequences; other stuff may have been the result of another’s poor choice that had a lasting and detrimental impact to her. 

Either way, she’s been traumatized, broken, hurt and ashamed with no hope in sight.  Until one day…

In my vivid imagination coupled with my own life experience this is how I see Mary’s transformation playing out. 

I can picture the mental anxiety she was experiencing and the deep need to be free.

I am inspired as I see the chains fall off and hope through the dark shadow of her heart and strength increase as fear and shame decrease. 

One:  Wait is He talking to me?  No…I can’t be restored from this trauma. After all I’ve done to myself and to others, I don’t deserve forgiveness, grace, another chance.  I won’t accept it. 

Two:  Are you saying I can be free from the bondage and that has held me captive all these years?  I’m not sure what I will do when I’m free.  This has been my life for so long; it’s my comfort zone, my dirty security blanket…it’s all I know.

Three:  I am afraid to move on. What if I go back to what I used to be, know, do, have, allow?  I don’t want to be disappointed.

Four:  What have I got to lose? I am being offered a new life, a new outlook, a new attitude.  I am starting to gain hope for a new day.  Is the for real? 

Five:  I have decided to take a risk and be vulnerable…to TRUST.  I am feeling stronger as I start to allow the shackles of guilt, doubt, shame and fear to be released from me and replaced with redemption, confidence, strength and power that I never knew was inside of me. 

Six:  My mind is becoming clear and focused on the beauty in nature, in relationships, in myself. I am starting to care less about what others think of me and more about who I’m becoming…a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

 Seven:  I am complete!  I am free!  My broken heart is mended! I now feel a positive, nurturing love spring from what was once a dark, scary place. 

JOY UNSPEAKABLE.  I cannot go back now. I know that there will be times when there is sorrow but I now have tools in place to overcome them in a healthy way.  I am no longer a prisoner to my past, my thoughts, my actions, habits, addictions, behaviors or need to please others.  I forgive myself and others who have hurt me. 

I release my heart to love and live again.  I know my worth and I am ready for better experiences, meaningful relationships and peace and joy every day.  I am whole. 

And like Mary, once you and I navigate through the turbulence of trauma and move into a place of healing and wholeness, we can have a testimony to share.  We can have a new life that thrives.  We can have a grateful heart and a different outlook on life.  And we can have a story of overcoming to share with other women just starting the journey and wondering is there hope on the other side. 

Won’t you consider sharing your story?  Click the Share your Moment button below to offer encouragement.